Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ryan's Well

Early in March, Margery told me about a bake sale idea that our fellow classmate, Jayna Sames, has originally concocted. The funds would go to a foundation called Ryan’s Well, which provides for wells in communities in Africa that lack these crucial water sources. Along with classmate Tracey Fu, Jayna, Margery and I, we brought in an assortment of baked goods. From Jayna’s oatmeal cookies, to Margery’s brownies, to my homemade Costco muffins, we delighted the school with our culinary talents and brought in about $380 dollars that will go to Ryan’s Well foundation.

I learned quite about teamwork and planning with the Ryan’s Well bake sale (it was actually my first one.) For one, it took good communication to organize and distribute the copious amounts of food that each of us brought in. With the overload of hungry students during the sale, we needed to make available all of our baked goods during the most hectic 15 minutes. We coordinated our effort to serve the most customers possible as we each took a certain side of the table. Without such organization, we would have made significantly less money.

I also considered the ethical implications of my actions and the global importance of “thinking globally, acting locally”. In the US and in our local community, water and food resources are accessible parts of our lives, we seldom appreciate that they are always available to us. However, to those who need Ryan’s Well’s help, water is part of their everyday struggle. By bringing this problem to the DCDS community’s attention, we are doing the best we can to address this international problem in our local community.

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